You Don't Need a Website

You don’t need a website unless you have something to say. If your job is to build websites, you’ll often be asked to build them before there are any words or images to carry on them. Sometimes, there’s nothing to say; the client simply knows that they want a website. Everybody has websites now. It’s standard. Your client thinks that they need one. But do they really? Your first step as a web designer is to help them figure out what they have to say.

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Twitter: It's Not About Sandwich Reports

I've read that “Twitter is full of people talking about the weather, what they had for lunch, and their indigestion.” Maybe that’s so, but if it is, I don’t know much about it. Here’s what I see on Twitter: people offering their opinions on brand strategies, new software releases, logo redesigns, live speaker quotes from conferences attended, and other musings related to the profession of Communications. If that’s not what you see, it’s because you’re curating a different set of Twitter users than I am.

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Wonders of the Internet

It’s all different now. That the Internet has fundamentally changed our lives is a well-worn truism. But if you’re a younger member of society–say, someone born in the 1980s–you probably don’t realize just how big that change has been. We were once islands of interest, alone in our peculiar fascinations. If you liked to sew dresses for dogs, it was easy to feel unique, imagining that no one else had your kind of creativity. Surely, no one else had the foresight to fill a niche for canine haberdashery.

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